Sunday, June 29, 2014

Revival Meeting

We started our Summer Revival Meeting this past Wednesday and so far it has been a refreshing time. Each night we have been enjoying great singing. Pictured to the left is the King's Quartet singing a special. We also have had great preaching by Dr. Steve Johnson the pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Aurora, CO. Each morning we had been going soul winning in the streets and have had 42 people saved so far this week. Praise God for every precious soul!

In the morning service there were several regulars missing. However, we still had a decent attendance day with several visitors. We also had 2 get saved and make public professions in Christ. I praise God for every chance we have to win another soul to Christ around here. I know this sounds a little bit like I am just repeating the same thing over and over again, but I guess I am just excited about getting to see souls saved. To quote my Preacher, Somebody say Amen! I spend much of my life being in churches where almost no one ever got saved. So I guess I never get tired of seeing another one come to to the Saviour.