Monday, December 26, 2011

We had a wonderful time last Friday night taking the teens out to look at Christmas lights. Several of our regulars were unable to make it, but those that came had a great time. We love having the opportunity to work with these kids. To be a part of our youth group at LBC you have to faithfully attend all services, attend Thursday night soul winning, and be faithful to attend young fundamentalist on Sunday evening before the service. These young people are all soul winners and are responsible for leading over three hundred people to Christ this past year. Praise God for a soul winning youth department. This past Sunday we had a great crowd both Sunday morning and Sunday night. We also had one baptized and very good offerings. I am thankful for our church and look forward to the future.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wew, I have been so busy I haven't hardly had time to blog. Pictured here are my parents along with Brother Gaiser at our class Sunday school Christmas party last Friday night. It was at Valentino's and we had a great time. We had 30 class members attend and everyone of them had the time of their life. We always enjoy our class Christmas parties. Last Sunday the attendance was down, but the offerings were very good and we had one baptized. Also had a member get saved Sunday night that should be getting baptized this next Sunday. Thank God for Jesus during this holiday season.

Monday, December 12, 2011

This past week we battled more snow. It is supposed to be a hard winter here and we have been facing it early and often so far this month. Thursday night we went soul winning in the snow. It was snowing about 2 inches when we went, but I am not sorry we went. Only 17 folks came out, but we did have 12 people saved. Then we had our first "State of the Church" banquet this past Friday evening and the even went very well. We had a wonderful meal made by my wife and then we had a presentation give about the future of our church for the year 2012. It was very exciting for all who attended. Then on Saturday, I received a call from a lady who quit attending our church last October. She had said she was unsure about her salvation and that she wanted to start attending our church again. So I met with her and had the privilege of leading her to Christ. Miss Elle is that lady (pictured) and she got baptized on Sunday morning. Thank God for great victories.