Sunday, June 25, 2017

Return from Indochina

The past three weeks we have been in the Indochina area of Thailand and Burma. God truly blessed our trip as we surveyed many towns for potential churches. We also spent a good amount of time with one of our missionaries that our church supports, Brother Andy Long. We went soul winning and saw 26 precious Buddhist souls trust Christ. We also saw 26 first timers come to the Bible Baptist Mission that Brother Long just started in the last five weeks. God did many great things while we were there. Our hearts were stirred about our mission more than ever and it was difficult to leave an area that is 99% lost with only a few people looking for them...

Meanwhile we had a great Sunday at our home church this past weekend while we are still shaking off the jet lag. We saw several trust Christ on Saturday and one follow the Lord in baptism Sunday morning. Then on Sunday evening we saw another one follow the Lord in believer's baptism.

We are really looking forward to getting out and promoting the ministry that has laid on our heart this next month. Please pray for us as we strive to get churches started in the Indochina area and get the needed support raised.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Celebrating 15 Years

Members enjoying pizza after services
Mother and daughter
Really enjoying some pizza
Angelo gave incredible testimony about our church
Little Tam Sue and Peace Soe
For 15 years our church has been about reaching people. Today we celebrated our anniversary as a church with pizza and cake after the service. God has been good to us by allowing us in 15 years to see 2,255 people walk the aisle of our church and profess their faith in Christ. People from every corner of the globe! We have reached and will continue to reach people in our city. We will also start to stretch out across the globe and start churches in other sections of the world. Please pray for us as we move ahead into the future! I will be surveying potential cities in the the next month....  (Please enjoy pictures of our day.)