Monday, March 27, 2017

Walking Miracle

This is Brother Miller who literally became a walking miracle this past Sunday night. It all started last Friday morning when Brother Miller who works at one of the local hospitals was asked to go fill in a shift at the heart hospital in town here. Shortly after Brother Miller started his shift he began to feel chest pain and fell down in front a group of heart specialist. The team of people at this heart hospital are truly experts. They literally had a stint in Brother Miller's heart in seven minutes. The type of heart attack he had is nicknamed "the widow maker" because most don't survive it. However, he was released by Sunday afternoon and in church Sunday night because he wanted to be... what a testimony. Brother Miller even had a chance to witness to the priest at the hospital. Praise God for his hand of protection and care!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Newly Vietnamese Translated Tract

This is Dong and his wife Thao who just translated our new Vietnamese customized gospel tract. We will now send it to the printers this next week looking forward to getting it back for distribution. We strive to have our Gospel tracts in every language that we can... these are often translated by our own members. The diversity of our city makes it necessary for us to get the Gospel into every language that we possibly can in order to effectively evangelize the community God has entrusted to us.

God blessed us today with several visitors and one getting saved at the invitation and making a public profession of faith in Christ. Below is my two daughters pictured with Paw Ka Moo. The Karen skirts that my daughters are wearing were sewn by Paw's mother and given to the girls. Paw's family is a blessing and they are planning a trip with us into Burma for the Summer of 2020. This is their native country and they would like us to visit their home land and see about getting the Gospel to the area.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Beautiful Sunday!

Gropp ladies with my wife
King's Quartet
Marry Bell and her children
We had an absolutely beautiful Sunday today. Not only did the temperature reach 80 degrees outside, the spirit was beautiful on the inside. We had solid attendance in almost every class. Our Karen route was very full and the Karen ministry had great attendance overall with many adults coming. My wife had Marry Bell come be a visitor today and we snapped a quick picture after the services were over. We also snapped several other pictures of our day for you to view.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Dr. Bob Gray the 2nd

We had a great conference for our church with Dr. Bob Gray the 2nd this past Monday and Tuesday night. He preached two fantastic messages. We had an ice cream social each night after the conference and the folks had fun spending time in fellowship with Dr. Gray. The first night Brother Gray asked me how many different nations are represented in the meeting. I looked around the auditorium and told him seven. (America, Burma, Congo, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, and Vietnam.) I told him there is a lot more in our Sunday services. He was amazed! God has blessed us with a very diverse church. Some have indicated this is a draw back, but we disagree. It is an advantage!   

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Congratulations, fellow American!

Tamaner Sue took her citizenship test last Wednesday and passed with flying colors. She is now a fellow citizen of this great country! Tamaner has come to our church for several years and been used as a valuable translator and interpreter to help us reach many others from Burma. She has also been teaching us to speak more of the Karen language. So let me say from all of Lincoln Baptist Church congratulations on this great accomplishment Tamaner Sue!

We battled time change today like everyone else, but still had a decent day with two making professions of faith in Christ. We are looking forward to having Dr. Bob Gray the 2nd preach here the next two nights. If you are in the area please come and join us at 7 pm on Monday and Tuesday night.