Sunday, March 27, 2011

This is Chris Carpenter and his wife Cara who were visiting our church today. Chris was one of two baptisms today. We had a good crowd this morning and tonight and the offerings were very good as well. We are getting ready to start our Sunday night campaign next week with the Jagerfield's versus the McMiller's. It should be a good contest on who can have the most on their team each Sunday night! Praise God for an old fashioned King James Bible that makes this all possible.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

This Marilynn, who was one of five people that got baptized this morning after hearing me preach "Two Sad Suppositions." We had seven professions made overall and it was a great feeling for our little church to have the altars full. Of course, we regularly have people saved and baptized, just not five every Sunday. We had a good spirit Sunday night as I preached, "Our Part, His Part, Our Part, Their Part." Once again the altars were full at invitation time. We also had great offerings today! Praise God for His wonderful blessings.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This is a picture of me and Brother Paul Lewis before church Sunday night. (Unforunately, we forgot to smile for the picture! Ha! It was a happy occasion though!) Brother Lewis has been in our church since we started it. He turns 81 this coming Friday and just lost his wife to cancer a few weeks ago. He has retired from his positions of door greeter and head usher at our church. Though, he will continue to be faithful to our services, we sure do appreciate all his years of faithful service for our Lord. Overall we had a good Sunday (for time change Sunday) with 91 in Sunday school and 3 public professions of faith being made with one following the Lord in believer's baptism! Praise God for once again for faithful servants like Paul Lewis!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is Yom Kok, who got baptized this past Sunday along with her two kids. Overall we had a very good Sunday. Attendance was only at 100, but the spirit was great. We also had only 46 on Sunday night, but still a great spirit of folks were in attendance to hear me preach "Do You Want a First Century Church or a Twenty-first Century Church?" The offerings were over $2,000 for the day and over $2,400 for the week. That makes six weeks in a row of being over budget. Praise God, things are going very well at Lincoln Baptist Church!