Monday, July 25, 2016

Missionary Chad Inman

Bro. Inman and Eh Guy Moo who he led to Christ Saturday.
This weekend we had Missionary Chad Inman with us. I am going to give you lots of pictures and a detailed report about our incredible weekend.

It started out with visiting on Saturday. The Inman family who have been missionaries to Thailand for seven years and work with Karen people were with us. My wife and I took them with us to visit our Karen route. While out we lined up many first timers and saw three Karen people come to Christ. Brother Inman and his wife enjoyed getting to meet the many Karen people that we bring and see the multiple neighborhoods that they live in around our church building.
After morning visits we went to lunch at a new Thai restaurant in our town run by a Karen lady. While there Mrs. Inman met some Thai people that she able to witness to in the Thai language and invite them to church. I was surprised, because there aren't many Thai people in our city. Most that had lived in Thailand before coming to America are Burmese refugees.
Mrs. Inman with Ta ma ner (one of our ladies)

Mrs. Inman with first load of Karen kids

Shwe Thei and family
This is Shee Say and Htee Say, two of our Karen route kids with their parents Shwe Thei and Htoo Eh. The parents were recently saved and have been coming to church. Shwe used to be Buddhist. Pray for this family that they may grow in the Lord's grace!

On Sunday morning I had Brother Inman show a missions video and preach the morning service. It was a blessing for our people to get to hear him. We had 133 in attendance and saw six public professions of faith made at the invitation time. We also had two follow the Lord in believer's baptism.
Will getting baptized.

Julie getting baptized.

Htee who got saved Saturday.
This is Htee, a karen lady, who I met with Brother Inman while out visiting on Saturday. Her English was very good and I was able to witness to her. She decided to accept Christ as her personal Saviour. Please pray for Htee to come and visit church sometime soon.

On an interesting and unusual note, my son while out visiting on Saturday went to witness to a man laying in the grass a few blocks from our church. Upon contacting the man, my son discovered he wasn't breathing. My son called 911 right away and the paramedics came. However, the man had passed already. We also discovered that he is an Uncle to one of our bus families. On a positive note though, I had led the man to Christ a couple of years ago and he is in glory right now! Praise God for a soul winning church.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


 This is Clement who has been coming to our church for several years. Clement is originally from Nigeria, but has lived in America for a long time and works for the Federal government. Unfortunately, Clement is being transferred to a distant state and will no longer be able to attend services here. We are definitely going to miss Clement around here.
 We had two public professions made by adults this morning who plan on returning next week to follow the Lord in believer's baptism. Praise God for His goodness!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

First Sunday Back from Thailand

Our first Sunday back was a little slow for us. The weather was hot and my wife and I were still tired from switching our schedule back. It is twelve hour time difference in Thailand. However, we had two professions of faith made during the morning invitation time. The overall spirit was good among our people. I even stopped to take a picture with Hieu from Vietnam who was adorning a new suit he recently got. He has been coming for a month or so to our church now. Please pray for his salvation as he is not yet saved. However, I believe that God can do something special in his life. He is a nice young man from Vietnam and speaks very good English. If he comes to Christ God will be able to use him to help us reach other people from Vietnam.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Taxi Driver in Thailand Gets Saved

On the 4th of July my wife and I took a taxi cab to a restaurant from our hotel in Hua Hin, Thailand. As we started to go I asked the driver whose name was Em, if he spoke English. He said, he did, so we talked a little bit. I then asked him where he learned such good English. He told me he worked in a hotel for ten years that had many English speaking people stay there.  I then asked him if he went to church. He told me he went to a temple. So I decided to ask him where he would go when he dies. He said, I don't know. He then said, I want to go to Heaven, but I don't know if I will make it. I then let my wife witness to him since she hadn't had a chance to win anybody yet. She then used Dr. Bowen's soul winning book to witness to Em and then lead him to Christ. Praise God he accepted! Pray for Em that his family will come to Christ as well and that he will go to church.  

Mae Sot

This is Ta Poe and his wife who live in Mae Sot Thailand. My wife and I spent the last two weeks there in Thailand and had a chance to visit the Gospel Baptist Church in Mae Sot. While there we asked Missionary Sinoy if we could make a visit with his Burmese pastor for a lady in our church back home. Bro. Sinoy said, "Of course." So we gave them the address and they took us there. We met Ta Poe and he told us that his friend from our church had already called him and told him that we were coming. Ta Poe invited us to come into his home and sit down and visit.

We visited for awhile and discovered that his brother, sister, and mother live in our city. We also discovered that my wife had met all three of them before and led them to Christ. In fact the Sunday before I left, his sister Blu La had visited our church. It is a small world after all!!! I then asked Ta Poe about his salvation. He told me that he did not know that he would go to Heaven when he dies and neither did his wife. Through the help of Brother Stevens his Burmese pastor, I was able to lead both of them to Christ. Praise God for a very special visit!