Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mae Sot

This is Ta Poe and his wife who live in Mae Sot Thailand. My wife and I spent the last two weeks there in Thailand and had a chance to visit the Gospel Baptist Church in Mae Sot. While there we asked Missionary Sinoy if we could make a visit with his Burmese pastor for a lady in our church back home. Bro. Sinoy said, "Of course." So we gave them the address and they took us there. We met Ta Poe and he told us that his friend from our church had already called him and told him that we were coming. Ta Poe invited us to come into his home and sit down and visit.

We visited for awhile and discovered that his brother, sister, and mother live in our city. We also discovered that my wife had met all three of them before and led them to Christ. In fact the Sunday before I left, his sister Blu La had visited our church. It is a small world after all!!! I then asked Ta Poe about his salvation. He told me that he did not know that he would go to Heaven when he dies and neither did his wife. Through the help of Brother Stevens his Burmese pastor, I was able to lead both of them to Christ. Praise God for a very special visit!