Sunday, June 8, 2014

Never Ending Mission Field

Last Thursday night we went soul winning on the bus and had 28 soul winners out with 14 coming to the Saviour. I was pleased, because the middle class neighborhood we were working in seemed to be a little cold overall. Then Saturday while out visiting we had 6 saved in the morning and 4 more in the afternoon. Praise God for using such an unworthy people as us to spread His Gospel. I am very thankful to our dedicated teachers and workers that faithfully go out visiting and soul winning along the way.

Sunday morning while leaving the church building to go pick up some people for church, I heard this man in the alley way preaching to some people. He observed my wife and I heading to our vehicle and immediately came toward us with another man. He was very friendly and introduced himself to me as Huessein. I thought perhaps he was a new cleric in the neighborhood and mentioned it as he spoke. He wondered how come I would think that. I said, "Your dress is very charming, but hardly common place here in America." He smiled and shook my hand and told me he was a Mullah (someone learned in Islamic theology). I witnessed to him about Jesus Christ and asked him if he was going to Heaven. He told me of course he was going to Heaven. He said, "We are the same, completely the same." Then he told me how he had come over to discuss religion with me. I told him I had to go and pick up people for church. I asked him for a picture to which he shook my hand again and agreed. Everyday I am reminded of the mission field we live in here in Lincoln.