Monday, April 14, 2014

Week One of Sunday Night 101

 Yesterday we started our Sunday night campaign. It actually went pretty well for week one. We had a total of eleven visitors come for our Sunday night service. Blaise already made the field trip list by bringing three visitors the first night.

I preached against the observance of Good Friday last night as well as the Lenten season and all the other religious days that go along with that. It is a shame that so few preach against these things anymore. This is why religion and liberalism is taking over our fundamental Baptist churches.

I really enjoyed the singing we had all day long yesterday. The Sons of Grace (pictured) is a fairly new quartet group that has been formed and I am excited every time they sing. They are really good!  I love the direction our church music is moving. Of course we love the old time type singing always, but I am talking about the quality of it is starting to get better and better all the time. It is exciting.

Over all yesterday, we battled the weather. In the morning severe thunderstorms came into play starting at about 8 a.m., there was even a bunch of hail stones falling in the south part of town while I was making some pickups in my van. Then by evening it had changed to snow and the temperatures had dropped greatly. Extremely strong winds as well. I know this was a hindrance for some making it out. We did have a new person join the church yesterday morning though and that was Mrs. Faith Painter, who was Miss Faith Smith not too long ago. She joined our church coming from Heritage Baptist Church in Lawrence, Kansas. My good friend, Dr. Scott Hanks is the pastor there. So all in all we had an exciting day. Looking forward to next weekend already!