Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week Two of Sunday Night 101

 We had a good day overall at church this week. This morning was Easter Sunday. Attendance was fair, but there was a certain celebration for the Sudanese people in Iowa and so a lot of our regular bus riders were missing because they are Sudanese. That made the morning attendance a little lower than expected. However, we had a few visitors and good services overall. I also had 21 in my "Home and Family" Sunday school class which was good.

This morning was also the start of a new Sunday school class. Mrs. Faith Painter was the teacher of the new teen girl Sunday school class called "Daughters of the King." I am sure that she did a fantastic job her first week. I know that the class had six students in it and I am excited to see it continue to grow as it goes forward. Welcome aboard Miss Faith (as the girls call her).

Then we had week 2 of our Sunday night campaign called "Sunday Night 101." We had 71 in attendance with 4 professions of public faith made and one following the Lord in believer's baptism. Praise God for his many blessings. We also had a "Pounding" for our new married couple; Bro. Jonathan and Miss Faith. It truly was a great Easter Sunday!