Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday Soul Winning

Every Saturday we go out following up on converts and absentees. Pictured here is my wife and two youngest daughters making a soul winning visit today. We had a total of eleven saved today while out visiting and following up. We have 5 visitors lined up for pick up in my mini-van tomorrow. Please pray that they will come.

Typically we get a lot of our follow up visits from our Thursday night soul winning. We make a big push for the Thursday night soul winning. For example last Thursday night we had 26 soul winners out and had 21 people saved. We try to create a lot of excitement around our soul winning time and our soul winning bus. Then on Saturday we usually have about 15 people out making visits and following up in the mornings. These are bus workers and Sunday school teachers. We go soul winning along the way while we are out visiting. Then there are a few teachers who work and go out on their own later in the day visiting their classes. They too will witness as they go. We try to incorporate soul winning into every ministry we have here at Lincoln Baptist Church.

Now don't forget about the third week of our Sunday night 101 contest. We are making a push to get more folks out for Sunday night church so that we can grow spiritually. If we grow spiritually, then we can truly grow numerically. I am looking forward to the Lord's day tomorrow morning and our contest and service tomorrow night. I hope you have a great one too! God bless!