Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 3 of Sunday Night 101

We had lots of visitors both Sunday morning and Sunday night. Total there were four saved this weekend that made public professions of faith. Praise God for His glorious gift of salvation! On Sunday morning I preached "How is This Thing Supposed to Work?" I preached on the ministry of reconciliation and my two main points were the ministry of salvaging and the ministry of provoking. It went really well and I believe it was a help to our people.

On Sunday night we started a new children's choir that practices before the evening service. Mrs. Faith Painter (pictured above) is the leader of this choir and she did an excellent job of working with the kids. These kids will sing once a month on Wednesday nights so the parents can all enjoy them. I believe that starting these kids singing early is very important. This will help their development and will also feed them into our teen singing groups when they get older. Praise God for those that make a joyful noise.

Also, on Sunday night we continued with our contest. My daughter Rachel won the apple pie tonight by bringing three visitors. I also, preached a sermon called "One of the Most Confusing Doctrines of the Bible." I had a great time preaching it as we had a lot of laughs with it. However, we did business with the Lord at the invitation time as many came forward to pray. Please pray for next week as we push toward our big day!