Sunday, March 9, 2014

Time Change Sunday

This is a picture of two of our fine ladies, Masoka (left) and May. Masoka and her family have been coming to our church since they moved to America from Congo (about four years ago). May and her husband moved to Lincoln from Kansas City about six months ago and are originally from Nigeria. They have actually lived in America for quite awhile, May is a registered nurse and her husband (not pictured) actually works for Immigration. I enjoy the opportunity I have to work with such an array of people from so many different backgrounds and cultures. I would have never imagined how much I would love it, before God prepared my heart for such a ministry.

Overall we had a pretty good Sunday as we sort of kicked off our "Old School" Bible conference. The attendance was not bad considering that it was time change (daylight savings) Sunday. That is always a beating for us because we have so many people from other countries coming and they often times don't understand the time change concept. I was excited that one of my converts from two Thursday nights ago came and made a public profession of faith in Christ. It was a tremendous blessing to see the fruits of my labor from a record cold Thursday night when many did not feel like going soul winning!

Speaking of our conference, we will be having Dr. Bob Gray the 2nd from Longview, Texas preaching for us on Monday night and on Tuesday night at 7 pm. We are excited to have him here and expect to receive greatly from the truths that he delivers to us from the Lord. Be sure to come out and be with us on Monday and Tuesday night.