Friday, May 27, 2016

Such a Blessing

It was such a blessing to see the Scriptures being turned last Sunday in so many different languages. My wife took a couple of pictures of some of the ladies and their Bibles. In some churches that might mean two different versions, NOT here. It means two different languages. The ladies look it up in English and then in their Burmese Bible. Then my daughter Rebekah is helping Shun Nu Tun look up the Scriptures in her Karen Bible. In our church on Sunday mornings we have people using Burmese Bibles, Karen Bibles, Arabic Bibles, French Bibles, Russian Bibles, and even sometimes Spanish Bibles. Of course the good old King James is what is preached from the pulpit.

We had a good weekend last week and a good week. We had to battle bad weather for soul winning Thursday night, but still saw nine souls come to Christ. Please pray for us to have a very productive Memorial Day Weekend.