Sunday, January 29, 2017

Our Interpreter Gets Saved!

Ta Ma Ner and my wife
Ta Ma Ner is one of our interpreters that we use in our Karen ministry. Many years ago I met her out soul winning and led her to Christ. However, later she said she was previously saved in Thailand. Yesterday, however, my wife started doing a "Grow in Grace" discipleship study with her. The first lesson is on salvation and Ta Ma Ner made a decision to trust Christ as her Saviour. Ta Ma Ner has helped my wife and I led dozens of her people to Christ over the past several years. Yesterday, she told my wife that every time she was interpreting the plan of salvation for us that she was learning more and thinking about it. Now she knows for sure without a doubt she has a home in Heaven. Praise God!
Today we had 120 in Sunday school and two make public professions of faith in Christ with one following the Lord in baptism!
Nicole getting baptized.