Monday, January 2, 2017

First and Final Sights

We have several pictures from the first sights of 2017 to the final sights of 2016 at Lincoln Baptist Church. We start with a picture of our newest Deacon and his wife. Bro. Miller and his wife have been faithful members since 2009. Bro. Miller who works at the hospital recently got his work scheduled changed so he is always off on the weekends now. Once that happened he was easy choice to nominate for Deacon.

Charlotte Rashidi (from Canada) was visiting her family and attending our services on Sunday. The Rashidi's are originally from Congo and have been faithful members of our church since 2010 when I first knocked on their door. I witnessed to Charlotte at the invitation time and she is already saved.

We had a little bit of a new members reception on New Year's Eve for the Dong Tran family at my house with our assistant pastor's family and the Deacon-elect who took office on January 1st. Dong and his family have only lived in America for one month and just got saved and baptized at our church three weeks ago. They are excited to learn and grow.
Bro. Painter took a picture of him and Bro. Williams out soul winning on the last Thursday night of 2016. We ended up having six saved that night. I praise God for faithful people who want to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our city!

To start out January 2nd the Dong Tran family came over to the church to paint the basement. They said they wanted to serve and they were serious about it! Please pray for this family to be greatly used to help reach the large Vietnamese community here in Lincoln!