Monday, August 29, 2016

Missionary Sinoy

 This weekend we had Missionary Manny Sinoy with us. He has been a missionary in Mae Sot, Thailand for 14 years. He is doing a great work for the Lord there and is currently in the states for a few months to help raise some support for his orphanage and school.

 He went visiting and soul winning with me all day Saturday. I was able to lead five to Christ and he had three saved himself. Praise God for soul winning missionaries. I let him preach on Sunday night and he did a fantastic job!

 God really blessed our day with 138 in Sunday school. We had 31 riders on the Karen route and 38 on the other bus route.There were many visitors that came. At least eight first time adult visitors were present. We also had a total of 20 Karen adults come. Please pray for us as we are getting ready to start a Karen Sunday school class in the next month. I am finalizing some things with a potential interpreter for us to use in the class. It is a great need as the Karen population is taking over a large section of our church neighborhood.
 God truly blessed the morning invitation time as we had three public professions of faith made and two follow the Lord in believer's baptism. Then the evening service was capped off with a fellowship dinner afterwards. Thank God for His everlasting goodness to our church.