Sunday, August 7, 2016

A Little Dinner Conversation

 I have included several pictures this week in my blog from the weekend. However, I want to tell you about my friend Pau (pronounced Pow). He is Zomi from Chin State in Burma and has been in America since 2008. I met him last Fall while out soul winning and he has visited my church several times. This past Saturday night I had him over to my house to eat some grilled steak and mashed potatoes. I had presented the Gospel to him before, but wanted a chance to visit with him about his salvation some more. I was able to give him a very detailed Gospel presentation and discuss many things about different religions with him. Pau did not get saved, but is definitely thinking about his need to accept Christ as his Saviour. Please pray for Pau and his salvation.
 On Saturday my wife and I had the privilege of meeting Eh Gay Moo's wife Ter Kaw Why. We used her husband to translate for us so we could witness to her. We discovered that she has already accepted Christ as her Saviour. We were very pleased to see them come to church together on Sunday. Please pray for this couple, because we are in great need of Karen couples in our church that actually attend together. Plus, Eh gay Moo's speaks excellent English and could be greatly used of the Lord!

My wife with Mu Gracer
 Some of the girls on the Karen route were sporting new skirts and tops this Sunday, so we took their pictures and included some of them. Overall we had a fair attendance day with 113 in Sunday school. We had multiple visitors from various backgrounds including a lady from Congo who got one of our French Gospel tracts last Thursday night and came. My wife greeted her and directed her to some of our Congolese members so they could help translate for her. Our assistant pastor witnessed to her at the invitation and she told him she has already trusted Christ. (Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to take a picture with her this morning.)

 We also had some Ukrainian visitors this morning come to my adult Sunday school class, however, they didn't stay for church. I do look forward to following up on them. I was thinking this afternoon how the missionary we had here a few weeks back told me that we are in the middle of mission field here in Lincoln. He is right! We truly are in a mission field. I had six saved last Thursday night and two of them were Karen, two from Ethiopia, and then two Americans.  Then Saturday I had three more people saved from Burma. Praise God! We have the world at our finger tips! Now we must do something with it!
My daughter Beka with two girls.