Sunday, March 27, 2016

Resurrection Sunday!

 We had a great Resurrection Sunday as it was the second largest attendance that we had ever had in our church. Dr. Bowen our missionary to Thailand was here and preached for us. He preached a great message and the altars were full. There were 6 public professions of faith made and one following the Lord in believer's baptism. Our attendance was 153 with 63 riding on our bus routes. God truly has blessed our church as we are growing every week.
Getting filled up!

Getting crowded!
 I thank the Lord for the opportunity he has given me to pastor the most diverse church in Lincoln, Nebraska with more than 11 different ethnic groups being represented and more than 15 different languages that could be spoken by this crowd. Our church has an opportunity to reach to Every Nation, which is just what we are after! Please pray for us to win many more souls!!!