Monday, August 31, 2015

Missionary Tim Davis

Missionary Davis
This is Missionary Tim Davis witnessing to two Sudanese men this past weekend. He is a missionary to Myanmar. We enjoyed having him and his family here this weekend. I spent two hours out visiting and soul winning with him on Saturday morning and had the chance to watch him aggressively chase people down to give them the Gospel. I appreciate that in a missionary, seems to be a rare thing to find these days. Bro. Davis saw four people trust Christ. We had eleven total saved on Saturday and twenty-six for the week. We also had one public profession made and one Vietnamese man baptized this week.

Bro. Davis is a good missionary going to a very needy field. Old Burma is 89% Buddhist and much in need of the Gospel.  I was delighted to present him to our people since we have many refugees from Burma. God has blessed us with a very international ministry here in this Midwestern town that is one of the largest Asian refugee relocation centers in the United States. Please pray for Missionary Davis as he raises support to go and please pray for our church as we try to build a potential army from this side to one day help the cause over there!