Friday, May 30, 2014

Texas IBS Graduation

 Earlier this week my son and I graduated from Texas Independent Baptist Seminary with our Master of Theology Degrees. It took 30 hours of course work and a 50,000 word Thesis paper in order for us to accomplish this task. It was a great honor to get the opportunity to be present for this graduation and to have both myself and my son graduating on the same day. This is not something one gets to experience very often in this life.

The pictures at the top are the graduates with the staff. The center picture is Bro. Jonathan and his wife Faith. Then at the bottom is me and my wife along with Dr. Bob Gray the 2nd. Before he presented me with my diploma, he spoke some very kind words regarding our friendship. I greatly appreciate Bro. Gray and all that he has done to be an encouragement to me. Yet, he was proclaiming that I have been an encouragement to him. He is a very kind and humble man. I thank the Lord for our friendship!
 Upon our return on Thursday we stopped by the church for a short period of time to do a few things in the office and then got ready for one of the main events every week. Thursday Night Church Wide Soul Winning! We had 26 soul winners out and 22 precious souls come to trust Christ as their Saviour. Thank God for a Saviour that still saves and a church that still goes. This Sunday we will be celebrating our 12 year anniversary of our church. Please pray for us to have a good Sunday!