Monday, February 3, 2014

We had a pretty good Sunday overall, despite the subzero weather we were battling. It was -2 when the bus was started this morning. However, we had 117 in Sunday school which isn't bad considering how cold it was in the morning. I had 19 in my "Home Builders" class, which was a good day for us. I truly believe that God has richly blessed us despite all the obstacles the weather has thrown at us this winter.

We had the altars full at the invitation time on Sunday morning and there were three public professions of faith in Christ made. Dominic Mbajk (pictured) who is from Sudan, Africa decided to follow the Lord in believer's baptism on this chilly morning. There are still churches that get people saved and baptize their converts afterwards, and I am glad Lincoln Baptist Church is one of them.

God blessed our Sunday night service as well, with many coming forward at the invitation time to make decisions. I preached a message called "They Saw" where I preached on all the dangers of television and the internet. I directed it to thinking about what goes into the eye gate of not only ourselves, but our whole family. I encouraged folks to monitor the kind of programs they are allowing to be watched and to equip their computers, tablets, and smart phones with filters. These are difficult days with so much indecency abounding everywhere we look, therefore, we need to guard the eyes of our household as much as we can.

I am looking forward to this coming Wednesday night when I will be pushing ahead with our "Back to the Basics" theme. I am teaching more on the local church, by addressing what "Separation of Church and State" truly means. Thank God for His local church and for our Saviour which paid for it.