Friday, January 31, 2014

Now, that February is upon us and our Stewardship month is over, let's not lose focus of our yearly theme. "Back to the Basics" is our emphasis this year, relating everything to an old time school setting. We want to go back and revisit some of the basics of Christianity 101 throughout the year.

Our plan of action in order to do this is to teach on the books of the Bible in Sunday school each week. We are giving the basics about each book from the author to the theme and many of the pertinent lessons that are taught in each book. We want all of our people to gain at least a little knowledge from every book of the Bible. God wrote them for us, but they do us little good if we know nothing about them.

We are also spending time on Wednesday nights teaching on our doctrinal statement. We have started with the local church and I will continue to teach on it for several more weeks. It is so important to the basics of our faith for us to know what we believe and why we believe it. We also post our doctrinal statement on our website, so all can see. We aren't trying to hide what we believe.

We have good old fashioned preaching on Sunday nights. I believe a steady diet of old time preaching is important to any believer for their spiritual growth to go forward. For example, I am preaching this Sunday night a message that will be called "They Saw." I will be emphasizing the dangers involved with what we see in our eye gates and how it effects us personally and effects our families.

Lastly, we are always emphasizing our real purpose for being here as Christians. That is personal soul winning. We are always emphasizing getting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this lost and dying world of ours. Some churches talk about missions and support missionaries. We do too, but we don't stop there. We live missions by going every Thursday night out in our streets telling folks about Jesus Christ. We live in one of the most diverse cities in America, why wouldn't missions start at home first. It is a part of Christianity 101. Of course, we support missionaries, but why would I send a missionary across the world to give the Gospel and not go down the street and give out the Gospel. Would that make any sense? We must get .... BACK TO THE BASICS.