Sunday, December 27, 2015

Last Sunday of 2015

Kelly getting baptized
Kelly got saved last Sunday and then followed the Lord in baptism this Sunday. It is always good to see new converts going forward in their faith. Please pray for Kelly to continue to be faithful to church and to grow in the Lord.

We had a pretty good day overall for a holiday weekend. I asked my son to take a picture of David and his wife Grace. They are from Africa and have been coming to our church for many years. David was sporting a new suit today, which I thought he looked pretty sharp so I had a picture taken of them. They were both saved many years ago through the personal soul winning efforts of our church. Grace was saved out of a false world religion and changed her name to Grace so she could have a Christian name. God is good to allow us to see these trophies of grace come through our church doors. Pray for their spiritual growth!