Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week 5: New Life

Ku Rae Moo
I had the opportunity to meet Ku Rae Moo and her mother under better circumstances this week. Many know that last week while I was out visiting, I was called upon to assist inside an apartment building with the delivery of a baby. After the baby and placenta both successfully came out the paramedics arrived and I gladly turned over the duties to them. The mother does not speak much English, but one of my Karen men went with me and witnessed to her. We were happy to find out that she is already a believer. My wife and I brought a baby gift to her as well and had the opportunity to hold the baby and get some photos. We are hopeful to see them come to church soon...

Myself along with Pler and Ku Rae Moo

Mom and Baby One Week Later in same apartment

Yuu Yuu Lyn (red bag)
We were pleased to see Yuu Yuu return to church this past Sunday. She has been away in Ohio for some time and has just recently come back to Lincoln. She came for Sunday school and the morning service. Yuu Yuu speaks Burmese, Karen, and English very well.

Samatha gets saved and baptized!
We had a good week for our campaign with multiple visitors again. Several return visitors came too! We also got to see four people make a public profession of faith and one follow the Lord in believer's baptism! Praise God for the continued miracle of new life, not just physically, but spiritually!