Sunday, June 28, 2015

Translation and Interpretation are Necessary to Reach this City

This is Amoit pictured here with Bro. Jonathan, she is from Sudan, Africa. This past Sunday morning she helped put the finishing touches on a new Arabic tract (in her hand) that we are going to be sending to the printers. Amoit has a very strong working knowledge of multiple languages and speaks Arabic with much accuracy and ability. We have used her on numerous occasions to help during our invitation in giving out the Gospel to someone who doesn't speak English. We are starting to translate our own Gospel tracts in multiple languages, so we don't have to rely on other ministries as much for our foreign language tracts. We appreciate these other ministries and will continue to use some of their tracts, but every church should desire to produce their own Gospel tracts that are customized to their particular church.

In the past thirteen years I have discovered the great need for good interpreters to be used in our soul winning. Early on in our church we prayed right away for Spanish speaking soul winners and God blessed by giving us some. More recently I have prayed for Burmese and Karen speaking soul winners and God is working that direction. The fastest growing population in the state of Nebraska is the Asian population, thus the need is there to reach these people with the Gospel.

This past Sunday morning we had one Karen lady saved by using a man in our church as an interpreter to get her the Gospel. Praise God for that! We had a good attendance in Sunday school and good attendance on Sunday night. God blessed us Sunday night with getting to see a baptism take place. Praise God for the work He is doing here in Lincoln!
Yasmine getting baptized Sunday night!