Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ta Blu Dòh Mä

Ta Blu Dòh Mä which means "thank you very much" in the Karen language. My wife and I recently took a trip celebrating our 25th year wedding anniversary. Of course we go soul winning every week of the world by a solid conviction that God wants all of his people to be soul winners. 

During our trip we passed through the town of Nacogdoches, Texas and while driving down the street we saw a vehicle with a Karen flag hanging from the review mirror. (We have a Karen community of about 1,500 to 2,000 people living in the neighborhoods close to our church in Lincoln, so we are very familiar with these people.) I decided to follow that vehicle to an apartment complex and discovered that there is a community of about 200 of these people living in Nacogdoches, Texas. We were able to converse with some of them and win several to Christ. 
I told my wife it felt like being back home for a little bit. I love winning any kind of people to Christ, but I must admit I have a soft spot for working with the Karen since I deal with them so much in our own ministry. It was amazing to be able to find some in an area of the country where I wouldn't have imagined there would be any. I thank the Lord for allowing us to feel like we were at home when we were away!