Saturday, March 21, 2015

Great Night on Soul Winning Bus

 We had a great time out soul winning this past Thursday night. We went out with 29 soul winners and got to she 20 precious souls come to trust Christ as their Saviour! On the way back we sang songs about the Saviour, it was truly a refreshing and exciting time. Helping add to the excitement was a group of nine people that came from a church in the Red Cloud area. Eight of these nine had never been soul winning before and had wanted to come and experience our soul winning program. These nine were very sharp people and I think were truly blessed by coming.
 A man from their church has come and visited our church on numerous occasions because he was attracted to our soul winning emphasis and our stand on the King James Bible. This man has become a friend to myself and our church here. He has actually been a great help and blessing to our bus ministry. In return I am hoping we can help them establish a soul winning work in that part of the state where there is no soul winning churches. Soul winning is the answer to a dying nation, even in a rural setting like Webster County.