Sunday, March 15, 2015

Christ is Our Standard

Dr. Gray and his target.
 This past week we held our Bible conference called "Christ is Our Standard." Our guest speaker was Dr. Bob Gray the 2nd from the Longview Baptist Temple. The conference went great despite Brother Gray's plane being held up on Monday. He came in later than the service time, which would seem to put a damper on the service, but Dr. Richard Haley from Riverside Baptist Church filled the pulpit and preached a great message on "Wearing the Badge of Honor."
God blessed and hearts were stirred.

Then Tuesday morning we held a shooting activity at the range for those who wished to participate. It went very well and all who attended had a great time. Then in the evening Dr. Gray preached a message on "Why We Have All These Rules and Standards." Once again hearts were stirred and decisions were made.

I want to thank both of our speakers for taking time out of their schedules to come be a blessing to our church. We had a great time!
My daughter-in-law shot a tight grouping.

This past Sunday we had a Ukrainian family visit our Home and Family class. The husband had come twice before, but today his wife was able to make it also. We were very honored to have them as our guest. The visiting wife told my wife how much she enjoyed the class. They plan to return next week and we will be praying for them. God bless and have a great week on the Soul Winning trail.
Looking down the gun sights with my wife!