Friday, August 29, 2014

Two Good Soul-winners with Two Good Converts

This past Thursday night we had 29 soul winners out with 31 souls saved. Two of our soul winners were my wife and her partner Miss Erika. While they were together out soul winning they met these two ladies that each of them were able to lead to Christ. Pictured to the right is my wife and her convert Dorey. Dorey understood English and my wife was able to lead her to Christ.

Then below is Miss Erika (on right) and her convert Maria. Maria is Dorey's mother and doesn't speak much English. Miss Erika lead her to the Lord in Spanish. Interesting note her is that for a long time Miss Erika has seen Maria ride the city bus that she was on. However, she had never spoken to her to her before. She was delighted at the chance to witness to Maria and then lead her to Christ. These were two of many good soul winners and their two converts.