Sunday, April 23, 2017

Vietnamese Tracts Are Hot Off the Press

Thao and her son at Jason's Deli last week.
This past week we finally got our Vietnamese custom made tracts back from the printers. It was something we had been praying about for several years. We have tried to get our custom made Gospel tracts put into as many languages as we possible can by using our members to translate them. Last December we ran across Thao and her family from Vietnam. They had only lived in America for 12 days at this time, but spoke English very well. I was able at that time to lead the whole family to Christ and see them get baptized the following Sunday. They have been faithfully coming every week ever since. Recently, my son asked Thao if she could translate a tract for us. She said it would be no problem and went straight to work on it. Now we have our custom tracts in Vietnamese as well as Burmese, Karen, Spanish, French, and Arabic. God has been blessing the use of these Gospel tracts.

We had a pretty good week overall with one being saved in Wednesday evening service. We topped off our Sunday school campaign with several visitors and good attendance on the bus routes. We will now be marching ahead into March and looking toward our Anniversary Sunday on June the 4th when our church turns 15 years old.