Monday, June 13, 2016

Some Good Helpers

Law, Ajal, and Daniel

This morning I used three young men out of the crowd while I preached to hold some signs up. The signs read, Spirit, Soul, and Body. I was illustrating the three parts of man. My helpers did a good job. After someone sent me the pictures of the sermon, I got to thinking how these young men demonstrate the diversity of our church. Law's family (who have been attending faithfully) are Karen people from Burma, Ajal is from Sudan, and Daniel and his family originate from Iran. It is interesting how the Lord has blessed me to be allow me to pastor such a diverse group of special people. This is what happens when you go for the masses. We don't care who they are or where they come from... We just go for souls!!!! Praise God for personal soul winning!!!!

Law demonstrates the spirit being dead in man