Monday, June 13, 2011

This is Blaise Rashidi, a young man in our church, who surrender to give his life to full time service for God this past week during our revival meeting. Blaise and his family are from Congo, Africa. He has lived in America for about 1 1/2 years. I met them a few weeks after they came to America. A few months later the whole family had become baptized members of our church. Blaise speaks several languages and is becoming a very good soul winner. He has two years of high school left and then wants to attend Bible college. Please pray for Blaise and he seeks God's perfect will for his life. He is a faithful young man that gave up many things that the public school he attends was offering in order to be faithful to the house of God. Praise God that he continues to call young men into His service! There is still hope for this world!