Sunday, February 13, 2011

This is Blaise Rashidi, one of our fine teenagers at our church. He has been in our church about 1 1/2 years and is from Congo, Africa. He can speak several languages and is becoming a good soul winner. He was recently my soul winning partner one Thursday night, when we met a man in the hallway of an apartment complex that was on his way out. The man was carrying several bags and I did not think he would stop to talk to us, but Blaise got him to stop. He listen to Blaise present the gospel and then bowed his head and trusted Christ. He said the prayer met a lot to him and then went on his way. All we got was his first name. However, a few days later I received a phone call from a man who said he was an Christian employer of man that we talked to on Thursday night. He described the man, but would not tell us his name. He advised us that this particular employee, he has been witnessing to for quite a while. However, he told us that this employee of his was on his way to commit suicide when two of our men stopped him and gave him a pamphlet from our church, shared some verses with him and prayed with him to trust Christ. He said, his employee told him that he decided not to commit suicide that night after trusting Christ. Given the location and description, we believe it is this unknown man of sorts that Blaise talked to in the hallway. Praise God for a loving Saviour that can and will save all that come to him. Overall we had a good Sunday with 106 in attendance and 2 public professions of faith being made with one following the Lord in believer's baptism. Somebody say, AMEN!