Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This is me pictured with our missionary guest for our missions conference. The theme was the same as our Sunday school campaign "Building and Battling." To the (your) left of me is Missionary Charlie Schildnecht (Thailand) and on the right is Missionary Sam Owen (Cheyenne River Sioux Indian Reservation). Bro. Owen was our main speaker for the conference. We had some great crowds each night and took in a good number of Faith Promise Commitment cards. We finished our campaign Sunday by meeting all of our five goals. We had 57 saved for the week and 5 baptized! Then Monday and Tuesday night we had the bulk of our conference as Bro. Charlie arrived with his sweet family. On Tuesday morning we loaded up and went soul winning. We had 19 soul winners out and produce 18 salvations in one hour! Praise God for soul winning and soul winning missionaries. We will no longer have any missionaries to our church that we don't make go soul winning. Amen and Amen.