Sunday, April 9, 2017

Set Sail with Sunday School

Brandon and my son
 Today was the second week of our campaign "Set Sail with Sunday School." God blessed us with a very good day overall. We had 30 on the Karen route. We had several visitors in the kids classes and also in the adult classes. Brandon who came last week and said he was saved, decided he was unsure of his salvation and decided to get saved. He then followed the Lord in believer's baptism. My wife brought several visitors to Sunday school including Shanon who recently moved here from Cameroon. Also, Sha Ku who is Karen came as my wife's visitor. I also caught a picture with Calvin who got saved at our church in April of 2011 and has been coming all these years. The Lord has truly been good to us! Somebody say Amen!
Shanon and my wife

Sha Ku and my wife

Calvin and me