Sunday, October 2, 2016


This is Santo who has been coming to our church for several years. He is a saved and baptized member of our church. I was at the post office earlier this week and a voice shouted out of a crowd "Pastor!" I looked around and didn't see anyone. Then I heard them shout "Pastor, it is me!" I looked again and saw Santo. We spoke for a few minutes and then he told me he would see me on Sunday. Sure enough he was here like every week. I thank the Lord to see some of my converts still coming to church all these years later. Santo is a Sudanese refugee who has lived here since 2008. He is fluent in several languages. Please pray for him as his work schedule keeps him from attending many of our other services. I would like to see him grow in the Lord even more and get involved in our soul winning program! God could use an Arabic speaking soul winner in our diverse community!