Monday, August 24, 2015


 Our bus ministry was alive and well today at Lincoln Baptist Church. Last week we had an African community leader ask if his organization could inspect our church to make sure that it is fit for Africans to attend since we don't understand African culture. Since this organization has no government authority and we are a New Testament Church receiving our authority from God and His Word, I did not feel the need to have this organization put their stamp of approval on us. When we declined the offer; the gentleman made threats that he was going to be shutting down our bus ministry by telling the Africans not to ride. However, I think God had other ideas as we saw one route in particular have 32 riders with plenty of African kids on board. Funny thing is our bus captain on this route was born and raised in Congo, so I think he understands African culture! The Devil never quits his ploys of trying to discourage and even stop the work of God! Praise God for His mercy and grace!

A-1 Bus Route
 We had 5 public professions of faith made during the invitation time on Sunday morning. One of those was Keenan. Usually when someone comes forward to make a profession of faith we write down their name on a slip and I read their names from the pulpit. Keenan asked me if he could come up and do it himself. I said, "Sure." At the end I called him up and he looked surprised. I don't think he thought I would actually call him up to the platform. I did and he came with a very nervous look on his face. However, he testified about how he had accepted Christ as his Saviour that morning to which the crowd shouted Amen!
Keenan with the Preacher
 Only at Lincoln Baptist Church could you find such diversity. As the pastor I love it. These ladies sit by each other every week. Interesting enough all three speak three different languages. The language barrier doesn't stop fellow Christians from building a friendship with one another. If you come to our church you need to love people because that is what our church is all about! It is about people!!!!
Grandma Rashidi, Anto, and Mrs. Fauth