This past Saturday afternoon I had just wrapped up a meeting with a church member and was packing up some things from my office when my girls said very loudly across the auditorium, "Hey, Dad, there are some Monks on our front steps!" I said, "What?" They said, "Hey, they are coming up to the doors and waving at us." I then went to the front doors and sure enough there were some Buddhist monks at our front doors. I opened the door and asked them what they wanted. They said, "We want to look around your building and see if we want to buy it." I told them it is not for sale.
Apparently, they thought it was for sale. I figured God brought them here for another reason. So I witnessed to them. I told them how Christ is the only way to heaven. Their Buddhism cannot save them! They did not choose to accept Christ, but I left them an opportunity! My wife took their picture with me and our girls, because we have never had Buddhist monks come to our front doors of our church building before, especially to try to buy our building. They were very nice and I prayed for them to get saved one day. I hope you will pray for them to come to Christ too!
Funny thing is there is a great truth wrapped up in all of this. The fact is that the devil hates a soul winning work. He would like for us to sell out. However, we won't sell out. Not to the Buddhist. Not to the Jehovah's False Witnesses. Not to the Mormons. Not to any other cults and false religions in our community either.
WE ARE NOT FOR SALE! Our soul winning is not for sale. Our standards and personal separation are not for sale. Our bus ministry is not for sale. Our outreach to the refugees are not sale. Are blood bought message is not for sale and neither are our King James Bibles. We aren't even going to sell our position on Biblical authority which most Christians don't want to accept today anyway! WE SIMPLY ARE NOT FOR SALE!