Saturday, May 3, 2014

Last Minute Preparations

This is the final week and weekend of Sunday Night 101. At this point it is later Saturday afternoon and there are several lined up for the baptism tomorrow already. We started off by having 24 out for soul winning Thursday night and having 15 saved. Glory to God for the good results in a rather tough neighborhood.

We are planning on having a great Lord's day in both the morning and the evening. I am preaching about Christ all day tomorrow and the morning sermon is called "What Do Those Beautiful Words Mean?" My text will be 1 John 3:1-3. I am excited about this message!

The Devil is going to working hard to stop us. We must battle the dreaded citywide marathon in the morning. I believe there is somewhere in the neighborhood of 17,000 runners in this thing tomorrow that starts at 7:00 AM. I encourage all of our members to leave early and make plans to get through the droves of runners as the route boxes our church in entirely. Some local "churches" actually cancel services and have church on Saturday night. I refuse to do this and always will!

After the services tomorrow morning we are having a teen fundraiser for the Texas youth conference trip. The teens will be selling beef hot dogs for $1.50, soda's for $.50, and yummy funnel cakes for $5.00 per plate. Remember it is a fundraiser for the teens. I do pray that most would be willing to participate.

Tomorrow night will be the final night of our contest. We are praying for 100 in attendance which would be a double increase of our Sunday night average. I am preaching a message called "Is It Religion or Is It Christ?"