Sunday, April 15, 2012

This past Friday night found me visiting the Great Plains Art Collection in downtown Lincoln. It was the Spring Art Exhibit showing and one of our little church members has some of her work on display there. She had a picture she had drawn on display and a board game that she had made herself on display too. I liked the art work and especially the board game. I took particular notice that the little people game pieces she had made, pictured all the girls wearing dresses. I thought that was great since Yasmine had drawn them herself. This weekend we were greatly slowed in our soul winning efforts by severe storms passing through our area. In fact Saturday night didn't allow for much sleep because of the tornado sirens that were going off. Thankfully none of them touched down in our city. We finished the weekend with 37 saved and one baptized. Had a new family join the church on Sunday morning as well. Transferring their membership from Liberty Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. Praise God for His protective hand through the storms and the great blessings of new families.