This is a picture of me and Brother Paul Lewis before church Sunday night. (Unforunately, we forgot to smile for the picture! Ha! It was a happy occasion though!) Brother Lewis has been in our church since we started it. He turns 81 this coming Friday and just lost his wife to cancer a few weeks ago. He has retired from his positions of door greeter and head usher at our church. Though, he will continue to be faithful to our services, we sure do appreciate all his years of faithful service for our Lord. Overall we had a good Sunday (for time change Sunday) with 91 in Sunday school and 3 public professions of faith being made with one following the Lord in believer's baptism! Praise God for once again for faithful servants like Paul Lewis!
Pastor Todd Painter is the pastor at the Lincoln Baptist Church of Lincoln Nebraska. He is the founding pastor of the Lincoln Baptist Church that was established, by the hand of God, June 2, 2002
Sunday, March 13, 2011
This is a picture of me and Brother Paul Lewis before church Sunday night. (Unforunately, we forgot to smile for the picture! Ha! It was a happy occasion though!) Brother Lewis has been in our church since we started it. He turns 81 this coming Friday and just lost his wife to cancer a few weeks ago. He has retired from his positions of door greeter and head usher at our church. Though, he will continue to be faithful to our services, we sure do appreciate all his years of faithful service for our Lord. Overall we had a good Sunday (for time change Sunday) with 91 in Sunday school and 3 public professions of faith being made with one following the Lord in believer's baptism! Praise God for once again for faithful servants like Paul Lewis!