Sunday, January 9, 2011

This is Brother Houdek, one of our faithful men, removing snow before our evening service. We battle the snow all day in a storm that is to continue through Tuesday. Over all we did not have a bad day with 100 in Sunday school. Considering the weather and most of our Sudanese members had gone to Omaha to vote in a special election for the Nation of Sudan. The Sudanese folks make up about a 1/4 or more of our church. So that considered, what seemed like low attendance was actually pretty good. We also had three saved, two in the service and one outside the building that asked for a jump start. Then in the afternoon we held our Nursing home service and had three saved there too! Overall we had 41 saved for the week. Pretty good, when considering all things. Praise God for faithful people that help get the job done!