Sunday, December 5, 2010

This is Lang and his wife Zo Kim with their baby boy named Van. He is also called "Todd" named after me! We had a baby shower for them this past Tuesday night. They are saved and baptized members of our church from Burma. We had a good Sunday overall with 115 on Sunday morning with 5 making public professions of faith with one of those following the Lord in believer's baptism. We had another great service on Sunday night with 51 in attendance. God is truly a great God and I thank him for wonderful families. Truly we are the most diverse church I have ever been a part of. Once again Sunday morning and Sunday night we had Spanish interpreting for our services. It amazes me that we could have at least ten different languages or more that could be spoken every Sunday morning. In fact one of the professions of faith made on Sunday morning was made by a lady led to Christ by me through an Arabic interpreter!