Sunday, September 30, 2012

This is Dina who got baptized on Sunday. She was led to Christ by my wife this past Thursday night and came to church this past Sunday. She was one of three baptized this past Sunday morning. We had 35 people saved this week with four making public professions of faith, and three following the Lord in believer's baptism. Praise God for His wonderful blessings. These past four weeks we have had an entirely different spirit in our church. Many of our members have told me they feel the power of God coming down in our services. We have had 13 baptized these past four weeks as well. There have been many visitors every week. There has also been a real feeling of complete unity among our members. These are things we haven't felt for some time our church. Praise God for all of these things! Looking forward to an even better October.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Here are a few pictures from the day. I took a quick snap shot this morning of the bus route that I drive for. We had a good day with 41 riders. Josue Vasquez is the bus captain and is doing an excellent job. Praise God for a church which loves the bus ministry. I spent some time with the teens before evening church playing a little table top ping pong. Here is me playing against one of our fine teenagers Blaise Rashidi. Of course I won, beating Blaise 15 to 4. Blaise is my soul winning partner every Saturday morning and is an excellent soul winner. Both Josue and Blaise have been called into the ministry and will be going off to Bible college next year. Travis Miller also pictured in the middle of the bottom picture has been called into the ministry. He will be around for a few more years before going off to Bible college. Overall we had 6 public professions of faith made and 2 baptized. I am glad I am a part of an independent Baptist church that wins souls and baptizes converts on a regular basis!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This is Roberta who was one of five people who got baptized on Sunday. Her two teenage children were led to Christ on Thursday night by Brother Gaiser, one of our faithful men. Brother Gaiser then went by on Saturday to follow up and led their mother to Christ. Their father had already been saved before and all four came to church on Sunday and got baptized. Then a convert on mine from Thursday night also came on Sunday and got baptized too. Praise God for soul winning. It is the best to reach families!